memory player...


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AVForums Super Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
I plan to upgrade my cdp (yamaha cdx 993) later this year, so currently I'm doing some research on the net. options are either a new player, a dac or a kind of music server. now so far music servers are not really considered 'high end' but that could change. have a look at the 'nova memory player' and you'll see some advantages it could have over a cdp.

'read until right' for example is something you can do with EAC (exact audio copy/ freeware), and I use it successfully (sometimes) to copy scratched cds. the mp seemingly has the added advantage of a laser which can change the reading angle.

the playback from ram-memory is also something that's probably superior to reading from a fast spinning disc with a little laser through a plastic lens.

while the nova memory player is not something I seriously consider (price, availability, strange website and so on), some of the technical solutions seem to point in the right direction.
it might even be possible to diy something to a similar effect...
any thoughts, experiences or comments ?

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