Monitor Audio B2,vs Monitor Audio Rx1 vs Boston CR7 vs Denon SCM50( mission m50)


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AVForums Super Veteran
Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
My saturday night review...
A friend of mine gave his parents his old Yamaha RXV 359 when he upgraded - This now serves as the system in the lapa at his moms place.
Along with that he gave them a pair of Boston CR7.
He took his RX1's, I took my B2's and Denon SCM50 (Mission m50)
The 2 biggest suprises here were the Boston CR7's and the Denon sc m50's.
I would have thought that the RX1's would sound better but we cant actually decide which sounds better, the MA RX1's or the MA B2's as they sound rather different, the B2's are warmer and nicely detailed, whereas the RX1's are brighter and also nicely detailed. Are the RX1's a little more detailed? or does it apear that way because they are brighter? We cant decide, But they both sound great in their own way.
The suprises - The Boston CR7's pack more punch than any on this list, so much so that you can get away with not using a sub, however, they appear "noisy" compared to all on the list, the detail is almost muffled out by noisy top end. They dont sound bad, the others just sound better.
The Deonon's, I am quite impressed buy the way they perform and handle" high" volume, they exceeded my expectations although without a sub, you will be left wanting, that is to be expected from 4 inch woofers though.
Cant decide which sound better out of the B2 and Rx1's, but the Denon comes second to them , with the CR7's comming in at 3rd, they are good for parties though and one doesnt feel sorry for them if they get abused abit like one would the others.
We used various songs from varius genres,CD's, DVD's and high quality full hd musiv videos..
I must note that the MA's dont seem to like the more modern party dance type of music, whereas the bostons dont mind it so much - is this perhaps due to sub standard recording quality? perhaps electronic dance artists and producers dont really focus on quality recordings? Although I would say that Armin Van Buuren and Miley are excempt as the recording quality apeared to be reasonably good, the rest however not so.
Perhaps these results would be different using my NAD c320, perhaps the Bostons will then be better? Cant decide if they are noisy as they arent up to standard of the others, or if its because they are unforgiving to AVR's which have a thd of 0.7%" quite high i think vs my naks thd of 0.003% and nads 0.007%. Im not sure, but that is the verdict as listened to after the irish gave the boks a hiding.

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