Mugabe declares state of emergency...

  • Thread starter Swindlehurstguy
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You have to love these guys (I will be asked about who I mean, more on that later) so we have Mugs declaring a state of emergency because 2.1 million people are going hungry as a direct result of El Ni?o. It would imagine that if Mugs was awake long enough, he would know very little about global warming, much less would he care. He has been enriching himself at the expense of the population for years, yet they still believe him. These "Guys" the idiots who are elected by mass vote continue to spin their BS over and over again! it's been happening in ZIm for years and has been going on here for years too. One wonders if a hungry poor voter will ever put two and two together, it's not enough to give KFC and a free T- shirt... And yet they will continue voting for the greedy politicians who are clueless when it comes to governance. just keep the voter happy at election time and thereafter enjoy a few more years of stealing the public blind.

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