I saw a clip in an older av post of a Yale Uni course, did not seem to be accessible online.
It would be great to have a better understanding of why a person appreciate a certain piece of music. An example in this clip: Alzo Sprach Zarastrustra by Richard Strauss explaining pitch: jumping an octave, then an eight of an octave etx, which seems to be recognizable in a mathematical or some kind of sense that gives pleasure. A more simple example would be music in a minor key being utilized in a sorrowful song.
Any suggestions of such online courses or info? I have heard that Stellenbosch Uni have music appreciation classes, but it only applies for people that plays an instrument.
It would be great to have a better understanding of why a person appreciate a certain piece of music. An example in this clip: Alzo Sprach Zarastrustra by Richard Strauss explaining pitch: jumping an octave, then an eight of an octave etx, which seems to be recognizable in a mathematical or some kind of sense that gives pleasure. A more simple example would be music in a minor key being utilized in a sorrowful song.
Any suggestions of such online courses or info? I have heard that Stellenbosch Uni have music appreciation classes, but it only applies for people that plays an instrument.