My 1st HE build (Beyma)


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AVForums Veteran
Oct 23, 2010
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I haven't completely given up on a Beyma kit but will go ahead with this build for now.
I might recycle the drivers if the kit does materialise.
With this in mind (and that I blew the budget on drivers alone) I am trying not to spend to much on cabinets etc.

This will be a stereo set made up of 2 x 12P80Nd + 1 x TPL-150H per channel.
It will look something like this:


The top woofer and tweeter will be in one enclosure which will sit on top of a separate enclosure housing the bottom woofer.

My first attempt will be MTM - the idea being to maintain 102dB sensitivity across the frequency range. Ie: I shouldn't need to pad the tweeter.
If I have too much trouble with lobing, then I will convert to 2.5 way.
I think MTM will be OK because the crossover point will be fairly low, the 12" drivers are not point sources, and the tweeters don't have wide vertical dispersion anyway.

I have already built the top enclosures - with provision to easily replace the BR port or seal.
This is mainly to facilitate experimentation.