I have had my 301 for at least 18 months. At some point in it's history, some genius repainted it. With a brush. It wasn't pretty. So began my 301 adventure, with it being stripped. It was then painted (better than before).
J.S came along with a free plinth which was about 30kg. If I had the space it may have stayed that big, instead it went off to the timber mill and became considerably smaller (but still not really small). It's basically the smallest I could make it to fit an SME 3012 arm (which i've been saving for a while, it's battered but working).
I finally got around to getting most of it together yesterday and today. I have just noticed that the paint along the one edge is no longer right, I don't know what's happened. I don't know if I can bring myself to strip it again. I think first I must get it all together and have a listen...
J.S came along with a free plinth which was about 30kg. If I had the space it may have stayed that big, instead it went off to the timber mill and became considerably smaller (but still not really small). It's basically the smallest I could make it to fit an SME 3012 arm (which i've been saving for a while, it's battered but working).
I finally got around to getting most of it together yesterday and today. I have just noticed that the paint along the one edge is no longer right, I don't know what's happened. I don't know if I can bring myself to strip it again. I think first I must get it all together and have a listen...