My next repair exercise - Electric razor


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 10, 2010
Reaction score
Great Brak River
My pensioner neighbour across the road brought me his Safeway (Clicks.) battery / electric razor yesterday, saying he thinks the switch is broken.

He said it was about 12 years old so I immediately assumed the 2 x NiCd penlights were toast.

The razor had a label indicating 2.6v. As did the transformer (output) that he gave me. I measured the output at 5.6v !!!! With two different MMs !!

It's not the original wallwart as the wire from that is white .... then joined to black cable going into the razor.

I opened it up and found a fried resistor. I guess ... due to the higher voltage coming in ??

The resistor looked to have 2 x black and 1 dark brown or purple rings. I went online to see the charts and it's small at 1 ohm. (But that would be for a 2.6v wallwart and not 5.6v.)

Can I simply solder in a resistor with a higher resistance instead of telling him to buy a smaller wallwart ??? And if so ... what value ?

This guy is like me ... we live on beans and coffee. lol


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