new law on taxation... anyone reead this? News 24


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In the media yesterday, 16 Feb 2016 :
"Property owners face the grim prospect of owing huge sums of money to municipalities in debt incurred by previous owners dating back up to 30 years.

This emerged following the judgment handed down by the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) at the end of last month, which ruled that new property owners can be held liable for historic debts dating back three decades."

The municipalities must be crying with joy, a new tax, a new source of easy income. Just as you think there surely can not be anything more that can be thought out that can be taxed, don't hold your breath, there will always be new ways to tax citizens more.

As usual, I can just be amazed almost daily at what this country comes up with to bill and tax and make the average citizen in this country just pay more and more and more, and deliver less and less and less.

So, have I got it right, I might now be liable for a 30 year old debt, that I did not incur, can anyone in their right mind explain to me how a court can come to this ruling. How can you hold someone responsible for something they did not do, simple human logic. Why stop here, why not hold someone responsible for a murder they did not commit, a I know, there is not money to be made from that :)

I actually know how this works, it works like this, always focus your attention on those that follow the law, those that always pay, and those that always can be worked with, because they cause no trouble. Reward them by hounding and attacking them more, by taxing them more, by burdening them often. Remember, they are at fault because they have work, and money, it is frowned upon. It is easier to work with people that want to follow the law, it is difficult to work with people that don't follow the law.

That's why this ruling came to life, it is easier to get this debt out of current home owners by cutting their electricity and water, than recovering the debt from those that made it. Lets take the easy route, I mean the other route actually might take some work, heaven forbid :)

It works like this in the police as well, arrest and apply the law to the innocent, like, someone shoots a person in his house that broke in, and attacked and threatened the owner. What does the police do, they arrest the owner, why, because it is easier to enforce the law on the innocent, that did nothing wrong, than enforce it on dangerous criminals who fights back and refuses to co-operate.Lets let the criminal go, and put the owner in jail.

This country is really sick, and it will only get worse, slipping down the drain, slowly but surely, one notch at a time.

You can never have a great country if you reward the criminal/offender, and hound the innocent, that is the surest recipe for disaster.

But congratulations on the latest law to get more tax and money from the innocent. Please don't stop until you tax everyone in the country 100% of their income and make them work for free.

I know you think you are clever, you are not, the simple fact is every rule you bring in like this will simply drive the ones who try to work away, out of the country, or work less, create less.

The outcome is quite predictable, as usual the poorest of the poor will just suffer more, there will be less jobs, less money, simply because there is no incentive to start businesses and employ people. And the more tax you charge, the less money there will be for the poor, who have nothing. It is a vicious cycle, but the surest recipe for trouble is attack the people who create jobs and money, and reward those that do no work, and break everything down.

Don't believe me, ask the 30 million people living in squatter camps if they are going to get any of the money in services you are now trying to recover with this new ridiculous law. Sometimes I really have to question the intelligence of those making these decisions.

This country is on edge, each law like this, just puts more pressure, and there is always a breaking point. Bad governance can only take you so far.

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