New speakers or 30k amp?


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AVForums Member
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

Just want some thoughts on the following:

I have a pair of Mark & Daniel Maximus Rubies:  They are a very difficult load!!! Sens 81.5  and impedance 6 - 3 Ohms.  They need a very muscular amp with loads of current to drive them to a degree that justifies why you bought them.  I tried class D amp, but it just does not cut it.  What it requires is 200W/c in 8, which doubles to 400 in 4 and probably still doubles into 2.  (And if you haven't looked before this does not come cheap)

The question is: do I spend twice as much as it cost for a power amp, or do I just try and sell them second hand, and go for different speakers?

Your opinion will be appreciated!

Thanks  Danie

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