Just send a response:"Based on the court order instructing your client to vacate the property on or before 8 January 2021, we have already secured a new tenant who will be moving into the apartment on 10 January 2021.In light of the above, we can unfortunately not accommodate the request.We wish your client well in her search for new accommodation. Please note that I will be at the property on 8 January at 5pm to receive the keys."
Just send a response:
"Based on the court order instructing your client to vacate the property on or before 8 January 2021, we have already secured a new tenant who will be moving into the apartment on 10 January 2021.
In light of the above, we can unfortunately not accommodate the request.
We wish your client well in her search for new accommodation.
Please note that I will be at the property on 8 January at 5pm to receive the keys."