At the back of my house is a Telkom cable carrying 3 lines. It is attached to a Telkom pole in a corner of my garden and to a ceramic widget attached to the fascia board of my house.
It was erected about 20+ years ago and the line has sagged so much one can touch it.
I called Telkom's 10212 number at the end of June this year and currently I have 7 reference numbers, names and dates of reporting but no action.
There were 2 unauthorised entries to my property last week and if there's some BEE activity again, I may not be able to call the cops or alarm company as the line is at risk of being cut or ripped off.
The last few days, I made more efforts to get Telkom to fix the problem and this morning, a strapping fella turned up in one of Telkom's expensively equipped bakkies, took one look and told me he can do nothing to tighten the cable. They have to 'hire a team equipped with a "retsit" (ratchet) and this will cost too much'.
The writing of this saga was interrupted as I had to attend to a fault with a lamppole outside my house. This too, took 8 telephone calls to get some action.
On Tuesday, I was cleaning my workbenches and machines and noticed the latest lang slap BMW drive up on the sidewalk. As it happened, I noticed the driver was talking on his mobile. He parked his car and carried on talking. After a few minutes, he got out, still talking. Then he got back in the car and still talking on his phone, reversed his car hard into the lamppole outside my garage doors, whacking the BMW's rear bumper quite badly.
Still talking, he got out, looked at the bumper, got back in the car and drove off.
The pole has a cover down below, secured with a steel strap and the cover has become dislodged due to the dented pole and later that evening, I noticed the light doesn't work any more.
Due to the break-ins, I gave the City Council the perp's CA number and asked them to fix the light.
Well, 7 blokes in a big Electricity Department truck just turned up here. They fiddled with the loose cover and told me they haven't a suitable ladder, a strapping tool or replacement bulbs. But, they will have to requisition a 'service provider' to come and do the job at some later time.
Happy days.
At the back of my house is a Telkom cable carrying 3 lines. It is attached to a Telkom pole in a corner of my garden and to a ceramic widget attached to the fascia board of my house.
It was erected about 20+ years ago and the line has sagged so much one can touch it.
I called Telkom's 10212 number at the end of June this year and currently I have 7 reference numbers, names and dates of reporting but no action.
There were 2 unauthorised entries to my property last week and if there's some BEE activity again, I may not be able to call the cops or alarm company as the line is at risk of being cut or ripped off.
The last few days, I made more efforts to get Telkom to fix the problem and this morning, a strapping fella turned up in one of Telkom's expensively equipped bakkies, took one look and told me he can do nothing to tighten the cable. They have to 'hire a team equipped with a "retsit" (ratchet) and this will cost too much'.
The writing of this saga was interrupted as I had to attend to a fault with a lamppole outside my house. This too, took 8 telephone calls to get some action.
On Tuesday, I was cleaning my workbenches and machines and noticed the latest lang slap BMW drive up on the sidewalk. As it happened, I noticed the driver was talking on his mobile. He parked his car and carried on talking. After a few minutes, he got out, still talking. Then he got back in the car and still talking on his phone, reversed his car hard into the lamppole outside my garage doors, whacking the BMW's rear bumper quite badly.
Still talking, he got out, looked at the bumper, got back in the car and drove off.
The pole has a cover down below, secured with a steel strap and the cover has become dislodged due to the dented pole and later that evening, I noticed the light doesn't work any more.
Due to the break-ins, I gave the City Council the perp's CA number and asked them to fix the light.
Well, 7 blokes in a big Electricity Department truck just turned up here. They fiddled with the loose cover and told me they haven't a suitable ladder, a strapping tool or replacement bulbs. But, they will have to requisition a 'service provider' to come and do the job at some later time.
Happy days.