Since every Friday is a half working day for me and I knockoff around 11 ish, I got into the habbit of spoiling myself with something lekker every Friday from our canteen at work. I just get tired of the same old broodjies met ham, broodjies met peanut / jam, oorskiet kos van gisteraand.
Lets hear from the other forum members who else buys food from the canteen at work, or any other take away for breakfast / lunch. What do you like to eat that you don't normally eat at home.
My brunch today was Russian with salt and vinegar chips. Boy these are still one of my favorites. Never gets tired
Lets hear from the other forum members who else buys food from the canteen at work, or any other take away for breakfast / lunch. What do you like to eat that you don't normally eat at home.
My brunch today was Russian with salt and vinegar chips. Boy these are still one of my favorites. Never gets tired