Older speakers - fragile sound


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AVForums Super Veteran
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
I have recently been offered speakers of a late 1970's early 1980's vintage. These are JBL L100 or century speakers. I hear dthem before but they now sound really fragile and lack the oomph and vibrance one associates with the brand. I checked the net and these are sought after becuae of the very good drivers that have apparently stood the test of time. The drivers seem fine no tears or any other issues. The L pads or attenuators for mid and treble are a bit stiff and I have not had a chanmce to look at the crossover. can the problem with the seemingly fragile sound be the aged crossovers or apparenty seized attenuators? People use these daily in other places and have nothing but praise for theoir performance. Thi spair looks really good, drivers in good nick but they seem a bit fragile.

Could it be anything else like partially spoilt voice coils or ....  The descriptions ofperformance in the states is great for speakers of the same age. Any ideas or suggestions


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