Oom Schalk


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AVForums Super Veteran
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Nov 4, 2008
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Just like to mention a few facts here:

A couple of years ago, 3 to be exact, I acquired a new Valve Audio Genesis pre amp from Schalk. I was totally over the moon as this was the first R40K+ pre that I had ever owned! A few months later, ol Schalkie phoned me to say there was an upgrade to the power supply that he could implement in my Gennie - for free I might add. On getting it back, Schalk also carried out a mod to the volume pot that I had requested, guess what, it was free!

About 18 months ago, I had a few issues with the left and right channels and asked if this could be sorted out, guess what it was done promptly and - free.

Last Sunday the old Valves that were in the amp started to give up the ghost and Schalk said "no problem, bring it over"  which I did yesterday. The dear fellow stopped everything he was doing and not only swapped out the valves, but replaced them with far more superior bottles, guess what? - FREE. A further mod was done to the Genisis to bring it up to the latest spec model again for free.

I would just like to highlight that I do not believe there is another company or individual in South Africa that would do this for any one without wanting to make a quick buck out of it. Thanks so much Schalk, I take my hat off to you.  :notworthy: Mates  :Whoohoo: 