Opinions on moving my subs, and how I plan on doing it?


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AVForums Grandmaster
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Dec 2, 2009
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I'm still having issues with my neighbour :eek: Got an SMS that my movies are still rattling his windows and vibrating his patio poles - now apparently this is intermittent as he says its been quiet since July and has now started again. Nothing has changed on my side, and I'm still listening at the same volume (-16dB on the 807 (I know that's irrelevant to the actual volume)

Not sure how I'm going to resolve this.

My first attempt is going to be moving the subs to the opposite ends of the room - and see if it affects the audio at all - and if it hopefully solves his problem - moving them a extra 5.5m away from him - and behind more obstacles (couch and table). Both subs are currently upfront, and will now be placed at the back of the room - one in a corner, and the other next to it. (probably not ideal - but I'm prepared to sacrifice a bit of quality to be able to enjoy my environment in peace).

I'm currently running each sub on its own cable from my 807 (7.2) - to test this I don't want to buy two new long cables, but rather by one cable and split it with a splitter at the end?

Just as a recap, its about 10-15m from the lounge wall (double brick)  to his rattling window - a vibracrete boundry wall, his grass , plants and pool, then his window.
