Optimal distance from Projection screen ... and screen size


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AVForums Veteran
Nov 14, 2009
Reaction score
Garsfontein, Pretoria

As I have a spare room not being used, I have decided to convert it into a listening/home theater room before it get annexed into a play room/general storage room/second lounge.

It is approximately 6 x 6 meters, but the one corner is cut with a staircase in the opposite corner. The roof also slope upwards to the second floor, with a large open space on top (kitchen, small office and guest bedroom).

I have bought a projector (LG AN110W) in a bit of a haste as well as a 210cm screen. However, when the projector is against the back wall it throws an image of approximately 240 cm (minimum zoom). So the screen is too small. I cannot really move the projector forward (tried last night), but due to a high roof (approximately 4 meters) I have to suspend a 2 meter support from the roof to afix the projector. And from what I see it might vibrate in certain conditions.

I believe the best bet would be to just get another screen, as these goes anything between 1 and 3K, and would be a good investment to get a good quality one now. However, before buying anything in haste (which I normally do), I put my haste in my pocket to relax and make the correct choices.

I have the following questions and would appreciate help/advice:
  • When against the wall the projector throws a 2.4 meter image (against the wall). I do not really want to increase the image at all, as the screen might be to close to the seating and in relation to the width of the screen, might induce motion sickness, strain the eyes and other ailments such as projectile vomiting. The seating distances would be about 4 - 5 meters from the screen. Would this be too close for a 2.4 meter image ?
  • What would be optimal seating distance from the screen. I have tried googling this, but could not really find anything of help.
  • As I have to get another screen in any case, should I go for a fixed screen or would a normal pull down screen be acceptable ? (consider that my budget is really stressed do to some other in-eventualities and overspending on some other stuff)
  • If the fixed screen option, I have read a number of DIY options where a melamine board was painted. Is this feasible, and what paint do I use.

