Hi Josh,
It's an easy fix.
I had a similar problem with a Pioneer VSX-9500s that I picked up from a throwout pile on the foopath in a wealthy neighbourhood that I drive through on my way to work.
It had the same voltage selector and wire colour set up as yours (must be similar era).
The voltage selector switch was broken but complete so I was able to figure out which two terminals to jump to set it up for 240V mains (Australia).
Before I figured it out I did a search and found this thread.
It's an easy fix and I joined AVforums South Africa to post a reply with photos to backup my story but I can't attach photos at present.
The switch wiper has a simple symmetrical configuration so it is easy to work it out for 220V (Live to White is not correct).
Also, by jumping across the switch terminal one is keeping the fuse in circuit.
As this is dealing with mains voltage I think you need to be sure what you are doing and photos would help that.
Remember the old motto for working with mains "Take time, Take charge".
If you like you can reply here and tell me how to attach photos (maybe I can't because I'm a new member) or PM me with your email and I will be happy to send you the full story with photos.