I have had a bit of time to finish a few projects lying around and dusted off a PL12.
A new belt, oil and a cart and she's running.
There are a few issues that need sorting. The needle bearings are seized solid with no way of tightening because there is currently more play than a crosley !
The name plate is seriously skew and looks like it came from the factory like that as there are no signs of residue or it being bent .
If anyone has a trashed one lying around , I would gladly take it off you for a small fee of course ;D
I would really like to get at least one properly working one.
A new belt, oil and a cart and she's running.
There are a few issues that need sorting. The needle bearings are seized solid with no way of tightening because there is currently more play than a crosley !
The name plate is seriously skew and looks like it came from the factory like that as there are no signs of residue or it being bent .
If anyone has a trashed one lying around , I would gladly take it off you for a small fee of course ;D
I would really like to get at least one properly working one.