I just found some rather interesting software, developed by the Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA).
Using this software, I calculated the strength and deflection of a shelf using a F14 grade marine plywood, 25mm thick, with the outside grain running the length of the shelf. The shelf is further supported by a cross member (brace if you like) each 130mm which runs front to back.
The strength of this shelf, designed for a 2 year continuous load and used in an environment where the average summer temp is 30 degrees C and the average humidity is 20% is 339.8 kPa (34675.4 kg / square meter) which will deflect the panel by 0.3mm
Let's clarify that - this shelf will take a load of 34.7 tons per square meter worth of load for a period of 2 years, and that load will only deflect it 1/3 of a single mm! How impressive is that? ;D
Download from here if this interests you:
Using this software, I calculated the strength and deflection of a shelf using a F14 grade marine plywood, 25mm thick, with the outside grain running the length of the shelf. The shelf is further supported by a cross member (brace if you like) each 130mm which runs front to back.
The strength of this shelf, designed for a 2 year continuous load and used in an environment where the average summer temp is 30 degrees C and the average humidity is 20% is 339.8 kPa (34675.4 kg / square meter) which will deflect the panel by 0.3mm
Let's clarify that - this shelf will take a load of 34.7 tons per square meter worth of load for a period of 2 years, and that load will only deflect it 1/3 of a single mm! How impressive is that? ;D
Download from here if this interests you: