Really thought they had improved. Am expecting a parcel from France. On 1st Feb a notification arrives, says collect at Cape Mail. Go to Cape Mail, they say it has already been forwarded to Plumstead. Go to Plumstead PO, lady enters tracking, says "Index outside the bounds of the array"
I ask her what this means, she says it does not exist on the tracking system. I show her the notification, she says am I stupid, it says collect at Cape Mail
So back to Cape Mail. Same clerk says "I told you to go to Plumstead" so I relate what Plumstead told me. He reckons they don't know what they are doing. Spoke to the PostMaster at Plumstead. His first reaction was to blame it on Cape Mail. He won't phone them, but can (if I really insist) send them an enquiry BY POST (snail mail) asking for direction
Looking at on-line Track and Trace, the number is still, as it states
French tracking shows it left Toulouse on 20th January
I ask her what this means, she says it does not exist on the tracking system. I show her the notification, she says am I stupid, it says collect at Cape Mail
So back to Cape Mail. Same clerk says "I told you to go to Plumstead" so I relate what Plumstead told me. He reckons they don't know what they are doing. Spoke to the PostMaster at Plumstead. His first reaction was to blame it on Cape Mail. He won't phone them, but can (if I really insist) send them an enquiry BY POST (snail mail) asking for direction
Looking at on-line Track and Trace, the number is still, as it states

French tracking shows it left Toulouse on 20th January