When playing either vinyl or CD on my amp, turning up the volume to the 12 o' clock position and beyond, break-up of the signal occurs on the right hand side. At about the one o' clock mark the signal is quite absent, returning again when I keep turning up the volume just a touch more. This happens with speakers and headphone a like. Probably the volume control. What can I do about it? Would cleaning help? I had the amp worked one by a veteran in the field who used to work at one of the hifi dealerships when he and I were both young ( ) in Pretoria and who now works from home. I cleaned it properly and did some other repairs I cannot recall what exactly and gave the amp a clean bill of health. It worked as it should until today.
Anyone with a good reputation in the Strand/Somerset West area whom you know of?
Anyone with a good reputation in the Strand/Somerset West area whom you know of?