Problem with Yamaha PX 3 turntable tonearm


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AVForums Super Veteran
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
Dear fellow audiophiles

I have recently bought a Yamaha PX 3 linear tracking turntable. Its a great machine and plays music: one problem however. The tonearm needs a push to get going. This is a fully automatic machine so some thing is out of order here. All other functions work except the start/play. I am a bit tech challanged so will not dive in blindly. Have had two inputs but was just wondering if there are any other folks who have some idea of the possible problem or who may be able to help or know of folks who might be able to help.

Its a great machine with excellent build quality. Have moved my Linn to the back burner since this one arrived. It was idle for about four years before I got it. Maybe dirty or something
