Noticed a pulse noise through the speakers on Friday when I switched my pre-amp on and the volume was turned up higher than normal listening, around 11 o'clock instead of the usual 9 o'clock. This was only on the phono input, dead quiet on the DAC input.
After almost k@king Rudi out (jammer maat) and lots of fault finding, traced the problem to the Wi-Fi router sitting on the shelf below the phono stage.
I moved it away as far as my network cables allowed and noise significantly reduce (only evident past 1 o'clock on volume ( note, all above without an LP playing).
Short of moving the router to a location until noise isn't heard, which will mean quite a few longer CAT6 cables, is there any isolation material I can put under the shelf above router to shield interference with the phono pre?
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After almost k@king Rudi out (jammer maat) and lots of fault finding, traced the problem to the Wi-Fi router sitting on the shelf below the phono stage.
I moved it away as far as my network cables allowed and noise significantly reduce (only evident past 1 o'clock on volume ( note, all above without an LP playing).
Short of moving the router to a location until noise isn't heard, which will mean quite a few longer CAT6 cables, is there any isolation material I can put under the shelf above router to shield interference with the phono pre?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk