I am sure many audiophiles remember these devices from the 60's and 70's. Those were the pre TV years in SA when radio was the main form of communicatiuon and home entertainment. I bought a PYE radiogram with valve amplifer and tuner about two years ago and a Pilot about a month ago from a local charity thrift shop. Both in eworking order happily pumping radio and occasional records - only older not very playable stuff. Plsay records more for the novelty and not for listening seriously.
These furniture pieces were part of home culture and often the centre of the home, muxh like TV is today. I recall huddling around lisdtening to our favorite programmes and of course music fed to us by Springbok radio and LM radio (more progressive). These tow radiograms have brought back so many memories and has given me such a feel good factor. I certainly cut my audio teeth on these and they really are relics from another era. I am so glad I was ablle to score two in full working order. They inspire curiosity and awe from friends but the younger generation cannot imagine how this could have been major home entertainment.
Later (much later) versions like Pioneer Rondo and other "Music centres" had a similalr product character but certainly do not invoke the cultural links and nostalgia of the old radiogram with its rich wood facade almost resembling a furniture piece. The speaker cloth and other cosmetics changed occasionally making these real showpieces in peoples homes. Some inorporated lavish display cabinets as part of the design and took pride of place in "sitting rooms" in many houses.The tuners, even on the valve sysytem were already stereo version and "pull in" all the modern stations with amazing accuracy.
Just thought I'd share some of my little nostalgia and happy memories albeit limited in audio quality it has high cultural and almost historical value to me and some of my friends. Anybody have similar sentiments and possibly memories of these? I know it was a prt of home culture in my neck of the woods and other parts of South Africa, not sure it was big in other counties but many were designed overseas.
Question: any other folks who have the same affection for these relics from the 60's and seventies. Will post close up picks later today
These furniture pieces were part of home culture and often the centre of the home, muxh like TV is today. I recall huddling around lisdtening to our favorite programmes and of course music fed to us by Springbok radio and LM radio (more progressive). These tow radiograms have brought back so many memories and has given me such a feel good factor. I certainly cut my audio teeth on these and they really are relics from another era. I am so glad I was ablle to score two in full working order. They inspire curiosity and awe from friends but the younger generation cannot imagine how this could have been major home entertainment.
Later (much later) versions like Pioneer Rondo and other "Music centres" had a similalr product character but certainly do not invoke the cultural links and nostalgia of the old radiogram with its rich wood facade almost resembling a furniture piece. The speaker cloth and other cosmetics changed occasionally making these real showpieces in peoples homes. Some inorporated lavish display cabinets as part of the design and took pride of place in "sitting rooms" in many houses.The tuners, even on the valve sysytem were already stereo version and "pull in" all the modern stations with amazing accuracy.
Just thought I'd share some of my little nostalgia and happy memories albeit limited in audio quality it has high cultural and almost historical value to me and some of my friends. Anybody have similar sentiments and possibly memories of these? I know it was a prt of home culture in my neck of the woods and other parts of South Africa, not sure it was big in other counties but many were designed overseas.
Question: any other folks who have the same affection for these relics from the 60's and seventies. Will post close up picks later today