As some of you know I'm selling my plasma screen. I've advertised it with a resolution of 1024 x 768 - as that's what I've been led to believe it is. A few websites I've been to said the same thing.
However - there is a chance this is only a 852 x 480 resoutlion screen, as certain sites contradict each other. Is there ANY way to test my screen and get the real resolution? PC software perhaps?
As some of you know I'm selling my plasma screen. I've advertised it with a resolution of 1024 x 768 - as that's what I've been led to believe it is. A few websites I've been to said the same thing.
However - there is a chance this is only a 852 x 480 resoutlion screen, as certain sites contradict each other. Is there ANY way to test my screen and get the real resolution? PC software perhaps?