Report back on DIY Audio Fest?


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AVForums Grandmaster
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
I'm guessing everybody at the DIY fest still has hangover from O' Hagans afterwards... I seem to be the first one here...

I can only say I was impressed by the quality of all the designs! And it was quite interesting to hear the different styles and preferences that came through with the different designs - I think it is hugely useful to have a look and listen to various box and X-O designs to see what you like and how very similar drivers can be used to different effect...

The other amazing thing was how well the less expensive drivers sounded with some serious design effort behind them - the law of diminishing returns holds steadfast after all these years, the little details all add up in an amazing way, absolutely amazing speakers can be built with a driver and X-O cost between one and three grand

I have been a sealed enclosure fan since I started to listen to hi-fi, but I must say a good BR or TL or rearloaded horn just trounces my sealed enclosures, although perhaps not in my room... which is the nice thing with DIY you have your acoustic parameters and you go and play... I also heard how passive designs can really sing and be very direct... I must say however that I think the Maestro amps that care not a jot whether they were driving 1 or 16 Ohms must have had a huge influence...

The Moraal driver was very cool, it will be great to see the six inchers at the next show, with maybe a lighter moving mass to add to efficiency...

Kudos to the organisers, participants and listeners...