I've decided to get roof insulation before the winter arrives. My roof's pitch is pretty low in a few places and I have no confidence that someone would be able to get in there to the ends and fill all the voids properly with the roll-out stuff (Isotherm/Think Pink/Green Fibre).
MorneDJ recommended I get someone to pump cellulose fibre in last year. Reading up it sounds a good plan. Apparently rats doesn't like the cellulose because it gets stuck on their feet and fur. This is a + for me as we live on the edge of a green band and I get roof rats every now and then.
Anyway, has anyone got an alternative? I've only found these guys:
They've given me a quote for R56/m2 for 135m2 thick. That will give an R value of 3.55 as apposed to about 2.5 of 100mm ThinkPink.
How's that price? Any alternatives that can be considered?
MorneDJ recommended I get someone to pump cellulose fibre in last year. Reading up it sounds a good plan. Apparently rats doesn't like the cellulose because it gets stuck on their feet and fur. This is a + for me as we live on the edge of a green band and I get roof rats every now and then.
Anyway, has anyone got an alternative? I've only found these guys:
They've given me a quote for R56/m2 for 135m2 thick. That will give an R value of 3.55 as apposed to about 2.5 of 100mm ThinkPink.
How's that price? Any alternatives that can be considered?