Saved from oblivion: Siera tape recorder


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AVForums Grandmaster
Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score
Transvaal / JHB
I saved this from the trash today...

Siera (Soci?t? ind?pendante pour l'Exportation d'Articles de Radio) was owned by Philips since 1937 - and became just an alternative brand name on certain Philips products
This is a model SA-6137.  Transistor amp, 1/4 track mono, single speed. Original price around 1963, was 315 Florins, which was quite high for a basic mono recorder. AC mains only, due to its induction motor. Its very small & compact, yet quite heavy - yet nothing like as heavy as the valve recorders of the same era.
The stapler-like knob turns left to FF, right to Rewind, and you press it down to play. Press again to stop. The button on the left side - pressed at the same time - initiates record mode.