have just read an article about how the name of the Ho?rskool H. F Verwoerd was changed to Rietondale High.Now apparently someone was quite upset about this change so they took it upon themselves to vandalize the school name with what appears to be white paint. The head of education for the area is horrified and very disappointed that this school has vandals. It was their intention to change the name because after all everyone knows that Verwoerd was the architect of Apartheid. And here I am thinking that it was not so long ago that entire schools were burnt down on demonstration. Now suddenly a little vandalism is a problem. You have to love Double standards. A load of money is wasted on name changes, it the children at that school are not taught to be racists, most of them would never give the name a second thought, it?s just a name, but hey must people make a damn issue about everything. missing the wood for the trees etc. It seems as if there is constant focus on the minutest detail, on a daily basis crime is rampant. Is it just me or is this just absolute stupidity.