Selecting storage scheme


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AVForums Super Veteran
May 25, 2010
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South Africa
Have 6 x 3TB SATA drives available with a view to consolidating long term storage to a single raid array intended to be operational 24/7.  I've done this a few times too many and run into the inevitable issues like waiting days to expand raid arrays, risk of disk failure in a rebuild, inability to detect bit rot etc. so I'd like to future proof and also settle on a long term hardware platform.

Thinking btrfs as file system configured as raid6, yielding 12TB useable storage, protecting against two simultaneous disk failures.  Rebuilds and/or expanding the array should be pretty quick given only actual data blocks are written on rebuild or expansion as opposed to traditional raid systems that write out the entire array.

From a hardware perspective I'm tossing up between an i3 mini-itx with 16GB ram and a hot swoppable rack server.  The i3 solution will more than meet my needs iro acting as a file server.

Backups will be made to a second set of disks held in a secondary PC and only brought online for backup purposes, as well as to 6TB drives stored offsite.

I've thought of using ZFS as a file system, but as it requires kernel compilation everytime there's an update and volumes cannot be grown I'd rather stay away.

Thoughts/ suggestions/ alternatives?  Have I left anything out?