Semi DIY speaker stand modification


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Where Music & Emotions Meet
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
Garden Route
I thought i'd post this as I don't do DIY especially with woodand power tools, oh and no animals or family members were hurt during the making of this stand top  :clap:

I've been hunting for dedicated Sonus Faber stands seen as they have the right rake angle and the top plate with holes so I can bolt my speakers to the stand. Well I can't find a pair of the original stands so I contacted SF, they got back to me promptly saying the new Olympique I stands will work with my speakers, I haven't bothered to get a quote as the US price is around $1200, I can't spend that much on stands  :faint:

So I decided to modify my own stands, i first tried to drill the two holes for speaker bolts into the steel top, I managed to kill my drill bits and barely scratched the steel! So I decided to buy some exotic wood from rare woods, it's beautiful with a dark rich orange colour to it with a beatiful grain, with a bit of treatment and work it could easily look like something from SF. I will look at getting the wood oiled or polished to bring out the amazing colour and grain, but for now im pretty happy, I made a minor slip up with measurements so the speakers aren't centered on the stands, at first it bugged me but now it's kind of unique and growing on me. I have rubber pads underneath the front spikes to get the right rake angle, I will be looking at making new front spikes that are longer so it looks neater, but that's a project for another day. Saved a lot of cash and had plenty of Fun  :groovy:


