Sh!t happens - Home alarm trouble


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
After returning home after taking the dog for a walk yesterday evening, my wife and I heard our (usually most reliable) alarm screaming its head off as we approached the house.

As we've had several incidents here during the past 18 months, I had the cops' sector policing unit contact details handy and called them. I also called Chubb and all arrived pretty quickly while we were waiting outside.

All of us entered and found nothing wrong. All windows and doors were closed, just as we left things so the alarm system I concluded, must have developed a fault.

We thanked the cops and Chubb for their quick response and much later like about an hour ago, I cleared the system's memory and tried to set the system for the night but it wouldn't set, indicating a fault in one zone.

The system comprises magnetic contacts on all doors and windows (perimeter) as well as PIR's in all rooms and passages.

I can set the system in different ways, for example only the perimeter (magnetic contacts) or everything together with all PIR's also activated.

The weather has cooled down quite a bit and it is the time of year to clean switches, rca jacks etc etc and I suspect the alarm problem concerns one or more of the magnetic contacts in "zone 2".

What I will do, is to spray some contact cleaner on all the screws and wires connected to these magnetic things and tighten up the screws on all of them but failing that, does anyone know how to test them for faults?

Although there was a little chilly breeze this evening, our system will not react to moving tree branches outside or spiders around the PIR's 'seen' as intruders.

The system is powered by ac mains with a battery backup run off a trickle charger. The battery is fairly new as it was replaced about 2 months ago.

Thanks in advance
