I bought my mothers Elitepad at the end. But last night I realized it takes a micro sim :headbanger: So as I won't be able to go into Vodacom today, work-related, I can stop at Spar or so after work and get a micro sim. If they even sell them.
But will it even help? I mean must I not still go in to Vodacom to activate the sim? I do want the tablet to be connected tonight as I heard there will be load shedding in my area again tonight. I bought this tablet only because of load shedding, to keep my son busy and not bored out off his scull ;D
There are currently no games installed so I need to get some games on it. I am going to install Bluestacks to be able to play Android games on it.
But will it even help? I mean must I not still go in to Vodacom to activate the sim? I do want the tablet to be connected tonight as I heard there will be load shedding in my area again tonight. I bought this tablet only because of load shedding, to keep my son busy and not bored out off his scull ;D
There are currently no games installed so I need to get some games on it. I am going to install Bluestacks to be able to play Android games on it.