Sneaker Technology and Pricing


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AVForums Grandmaster
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
I wanted to get the opinion of some of the guys out there, especially those who need certain type's of sneakers for their training etc. Some may have noticed taking a walk into Total Sports or Sportsmans Warhouse that sneakers (takkies) and I'm speaking of Nike, Adidas, Asics and the like are hitting ridiculous pricing - Adidas has breached R2000.
Who would have thought the day would come when you'd pay R2000 for a takkie - the same as what one would pay for an italian leather shoe.

Another aspect is the technology that's making it's way into these shoes (Tempered PU, Support wedges etc.).

I must admit though that these shoes do feel "different" and for the marathon runner, sprinter, they must make a difference I'm sure. The correct shoes have helped with my  tendonitis for example and I for one have learnt of the damage the incorrect shoe (plain old takkie) can cause.

Any sports people out there who buy these high end shoes and can give their opinions vs. the ordinary Makro versions of Takkies like the Power and the like.

The Adidas Sequence 7 is now R1800 and apparently one of their best. I've tried it on, and yep, it feels great. Still won't pay R1800 for a takkie though.
