So was it all Hype - British HiFi Circa 1980 to 2000


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AVForums Grandmaster
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
Cape Town
Since I fish in the cheap and cheerfull part of HiFi I often come across (and buy) pieces of HiFi from that era (which was quite tumultuous considering it starts with end of the vinyl era as a main stream medium and ends with the slow demise of CD and the rise of iPods and earbuds and shrinking of the HiFi market).

Today I picked up a Creek 4040 off Gumtree for the princely sum of R500. This evening I soldered up a DIN plug adaptor so that I can test the phono stage. Wow. Sounds great.



The turntable I am using for testing is also from the same era - a Logic DM101 with a Logic Datum tonearm...

Has anyone else had this amp before (and what were your impressions)?

Another British piece of HiFi I probably won't ever get rid of is the Cyrus one in my computer set-up. Arguable better than the venerable NAD3020 of the time period...

Some other British encounters from this last week was the following classic table and arm:
