Some serious Funk


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AVForums Grandmaster
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
Cape Town
Just a had a listen to Colonel 66's sounds system running a full Funk Firm LP12 with a Funk Firm FX-R tonearm and some or other cartridge...

We piled through quite a few LP's covering quite a wide variety of genres from classical to 80/90's goth. After that we plugged in the CD player and gave that a listen. Flat and  :boring: compared to the LP sounds... Gave up on the CD player and listened to some streaming music. That started getting closer to the excitement of the vinyl...

Excellent table with great dynamics and neutral sound (without sacrificing too much of the LP12's 'colour-me-beautiful' sonic signature)...

Thanks for the listen Colonel 66

Here are some pics of the system... I forgot to take a pic of the turntable  :facepalm:

Devialet + Vivid Giya

Devialet + Vivid Giya