So I've built a center channel for my HT, and want to use neodymium magnets to hold the cover.
Received the neodymium magnets, 10mm in diameter. Very strong, one can hold up to 2.5kg no problem.
So I took the magnet and tried to place it on the baffle, however the magnetic field of the drivers are pushing/pulling it
and it's outside the box :/
This raises the question, will this effect the drivers? Or doesn't it matter as the VC is only utilizing the center of the magnet.
And the neodymium is very directional.
Received the neodymium magnets, 10mm in diameter. Very strong, one can hold up to 2.5kg no problem.
So I took the magnet and tried to place it on the baffle, however the magnetic field of the drivers are pushing/pulling it
and it's outside the box :/
This raises the question, will this effect the drivers? Or doesn't it matter as the VC is only utilizing the center of the magnet.
And the neodymium is very directional.