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AVForums Super Veteran
Jul 14, 2008
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I have a property that I've been trying to sell for 2 years - not an easy thing in the current economic climate. I eventually found a serious buyer. My major headache is that I now have an illegal occupant in the house who I have to get out  urgently. I let him and his ex-partner in myself - a long, bizarre and embarrassing story which I'll rather not go into. There is no rental agreement or indeed any contract whatsoever. ( No comments please ). Suffice to say that he is proving rather reluctant to move out. I've had a similar problem with tenants before ( just lucky, I guess) and cutting the power - which apparently is illegal - did the trick nicely. I suspect that it may take too long this time. I've also heard of removing gates and doors as an "incentive", which may be the route I'll have to go. Any other - preferably ( but not necessarily ) civilized and legal - ways to get rid of these types?

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