Standmounts VS Floorstanders


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AVForums Grandmaster
AV Forums Supporter
Feb 1, 2010
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Randfontein, West rand
Following recent threads on stereo setups, I'm wondering about replacing my floorstanders (MA RS6) with standmounts.  I listened to a pair of MA RX1's and was very impressed.  They didn't have the weight of the RS6's, but I enjoyed the control you have over standmounts.  The RX1's are not good enough to move the RS6s out, but that got me going.  Perhaps their bigger brothers, the RX2's may do, so I'll be auditioning these soon.  Let's get some discussion going, and costs aside, I'd like to invite pro's and cons of floorstanders and standmounts.  My 2c:

Floorstanders - pros
Don't require stands, at an additional cost
Bigger sound to fill larger rooms; better bass weight
In a stereo setup, you may not need a subwoofer

Easier to 'tune' and get accurate sound to the listening position
Easy to get good midrange and higher frequency 'sparkle'

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