Testing a cartridge


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 14, 2013
Reaction score
Cape Town
This may be a strange request,  :nutter: but I would like to "borrow" a stylus to test a cartridge.

I have a Stanton 680E that I need to buy a new stylus for, and can get one for about R280. However, the black plastic cartridge inner came half out of the silver metal outer body when I pulled off the cartridge connectors. I don't think the cartridge has been damaged, but need to be sure before I buy the stylus!

I will fit the cartridge to a standard SME type removable headshell, and visit any member who would be willing to slip on their stylus, attach the headshell to their tonearm and give it a quick spin. (I am not sure I like how that sounds!)  :Ooooooh:

In any event, if the cartridge sounds right, I will go and buy my own stylus.  :thumbs:

I am in Durbanville, Cape Town, but can travel.