Yes, again sometime today.
This morning, I noticed my neighbour's house name and the rest of her house number had been stolen overnight, I presume. It was a longish name made from 8" high lasercut aluminium letters and anodised in a gold colour. I doubt it was lacquered brass. If it was, she would have been silly - all my brass gate handles had already been stolen and replaced by gold painted plastic items. Horrible.
Later today at around 2pm, I noticed my car's 3 wiperblades had also been taken. For the 3rd or 4th time now. It's an expensive loss - around R800 per set for my Laguna.
After the last theft, I epoxied 6 broken in half razor blades underneath each wiper arm. The razor blades were well hidden as I also painted them matte black.
Somehow, the perpetrator must have seen them during his luisgat deed.
My car spends long hours on my open driveway while I work in my workshop.
Any ideas on how to prevent this problem? 240Vac is out. Razorblades don't work. A 12Vdc power source and a micro switch + a loud alarm signal each time the wiper arms are lifted??
This morning, I noticed my neighbour's house name and the rest of her house number had been stolen overnight, I presume. It was a longish name made from 8" high lasercut aluminium letters and anodised in a gold colour. I doubt it was lacquered brass. If it was, she would have been silly - all my brass gate handles had already been stolen and replaced by gold painted plastic items. Horrible.
Later today at around 2pm, I noticed my car's 3 wiperblades had also been taken. For the 3rd or 4th time now. It's an expensive loss - around R800 per set for my Laguna.
After the last theft, I epoxied 6 broken in half razor blades underneath each wiper arm. The razor blades were well hidden as I also painted them matte black.
Somehow, the perpetrator must have seen them during his luisgat deed.
My car spends long hours on my open driveway while I work in my workshop.
Any ideas on how to prevent this problem? 240Vac is out. Razorblades don't work. A 12Vdc power source and a micro switch + a loud alarm signal each time the wiper arms are lifted??