The power of acoustic treatment


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AVForums Member
Jul 17, 2019
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After [member=1319]Greyman[/member] 's post of his new room, I thought I'd post some measurements of my own room as well. All measurements are shown with 1/48 smoothing. No EQ or any type filtering is applied.


The very first measurement I took, left my ears singing for a couple of minutes. Rookie, I know. Unfortunately this measurement is the only one I have of the room completely untreated, so it makes comparison with later measurements (where the SPL was a bit more tolerable) of the treated room rather difficult. Nonetheless, the contrast is stark. Before any treatment, it was impossible to listen to music, at any volume. Effectively an echo chamber.


I still have many issues to sort out I know. The aim of the post is simply to show how dramatic the effect of a bit of treatment can be. I've only used velocity-based acoustic treatment. To fully tame the low-end, I'll have to resort to pressure-based treatment.

I cannot over-emphasise the difference in sound. Allow me to repeat what has been said so many times already: if the sound really matters to you, sort out the room acoustics first. Then spend on the gear. Otherwise stick to some nice headphones.

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