Do you not think that perhaps the choice of media also plays a role in defining (or is defined by) our personality traits?
Tactile vs Abstract - Engineer vs Accountant - IT engineer vs software dev.
Tactile - LP's, CD's, maybe even cassettes & reel to reel.
Abstract - Media server, streaming.
Could this (surely it does?) continue on to choice of equipment?
Tactile: Turntable, Phono stage, integrated or pre + power. Not to forget the accoutrements that go with: RCM, stylus force gauge, protractors etc etc.
Abstract: at it's zenith: All-in-one ala Devialet and it's ilk. Otherwise streamer, then integrated or pre + power.
Can we correlate the big 5 traits to the simplified tactile vs abstract.
Tactile: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion & Agreeableness.
Abstract: Openness, Conscientiousness, Introversion (a dichotomy when placed with Openness perhaps?). Agreeableness? Perhaps less so than Tactile, from what has been disclosed by individuals on the forum.
Whilst this is a very broad-brush strokes approach, hopefully it can get more folk to give input.