Top loudspeaker companies according Audioaficionado's poll


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Oct 8, 2013
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Cape Town
There was a poll on Audioaficionados as to the member's view on top speakers company. Interesting results, some to be expected and some surprises. Sample is not super large, so I am not reading too much into it, but still..

Here is the result of the Top 5 speaker choices, presented as top 10.

48 companies were represented, which is a lot more than I expected. It just shows how wide our choice and preference is. 165 votes were counted in total.

2 top 10's are listed, first by count only, and then by weight assuming that your fist choice was your main preference and using higher weightings accordingly

TOP 10 BY Count (Where the count is the same, ranking is determined by position in the top 5)

1. Sonus Faber, 18 Votes

2. Wilson Audio, 11 Votes

3. Magico, 11 Votes

4. Magnepan, 8 Votes

5. Focal, 8 Votes

6. TAD, 7 Votes

7. KEF, 7 Votes

8. Rockport, 7 Votes

9. Vandersteen, 7 Votes

10. B&W, 7 Votes

Top 10 by Weight, and weighted score, e.g. Number 1 choice is given a higher weight

1. Sonus Faber, 4

2. Wilson Audio, 2.45

3. Magico, 2.4

4. TAD, 1.8

5. Magnepan, 1.55

6. MBL, 1.55

7. Focal, 1.35

8. KEF, 1.3

9. PMC, 1.3,

10. Rockport, 1.25

Sonus Faber, Wilson and Magico are our top 3 most popular Speakers on AA, with Sonus Faber way ahead.