How time flies! Around 6 years ago I found a few lazy susan bearings at a local flea market. I thought they would be ideal for this project. It's taken me this long to do it. Actually, I'm doing it now only because the timing is finally right. I recently started using VituixCAD loudspeaker design software. Its author advocates using multiple angled measurements during the design process. Whereas my existing SoundEasy software can do the same, this software just makes it much easier. So I needed a jig that would make the doing the measurement both easier and repeatable.
I have been using Tapatalk to host pictures but, since they reintroduced their pro version, they have curtailed the features of the free version. The pics below have been severely scaled by Tapatalk.
I have been using Tapatalk to host pictures but, since they reintroduced their pro version, they have curtailed the features of the free version. The pics below have been severely scaled by Tapatalk.