Vinyl Cleaning options


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AVForums Member
May 29, 2013
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Hi there people of av forums :)

What is the best solution to use to clean vinyl, i have some original pressings of Floyd etc that i really do not want to ruin.
Is it safe to use >>  some people have suggested

1. water and sunlight (obv very little sunlight dishwash)  sponge over clean / leave to dry in the sun?
2. water and some lemon juice (same as above)
3.water and vinegar (white table vinegar) same as above
4. Lcd cleaner --  This i'm seriously considering ?  I have "manhattan lcd cleaner"  Technique would be to spray on a micro fibre cloth first and wipe gently...
5. Vacuum cleaner,,, yes and no - It doesn't get rid of those small round cluster dirt mark, possibly spores mildew?
6. Methylated spirits
7.Alcohol, ie surgery alcohol to clean pierced ears etc...

I have found a kewl little push up brush that came with an lcd cleaner thing to clean most of the dirt well, but i'd like my viny'l to be sparkling again if i can attempt that.
I put turntable on and use the brush to clean. 

Thanks for all your advice, i didn't see a forum topic dedicated to this.

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