WARNING: Possibility of RANT


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AVForums Grandmaster
Dec 10, 2010
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Listening to the radio earlier, a representative of Anglo was speaking about the progress of their wage negotiations. She basically said that the union's demands of a 14% pay hike is ridiculous, given that inflation was only 4.7%.
I don't really want to go into the relative merits of either party's offer/demand nor about the additional demands the unions have that drives the actual demand on TCTC much higher than 14%.

My issue instead is with Stats SA's claim that inflation is 4.7%. That IMO is utter rubbish. There is no way that that figure is accurate. The fact that it is being dished up as fact to the general public irritates **** out of me because it is just one more way in which our government is showing us the finger. Their respect for our intellegence is apparently as low as their respect for our tax money.

Lets look at some items in our 'basket':
Insurance: Depends on many things but most companies increase > 10% annually.
Rates and taxes: 13% comes to mind
Petrol: +20%
Food: +15% as a guesstimate, although my pocket says its more
Electricity: avg 23% but the middle class and upward carries a much bigger burden.

The above figures are by no means accurate but IMO conservative. So what the heck do they base their 4.7% on?

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