Water level problems in radiator - suggestions?


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AVSA Andrew

AVForums Grandmaster
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
So I managed to blow the water pipe next to the engine block on my Ford Fiesta about a month ago. Towed in, pipe replaced, but then while driving, you could hear from the inside of the car, the water swishing through the pipes. So the assumption was air left in the system. Back to garage, drained and redone, same noise.

Then last week while I was at the garage talking things through with the mechanics I noticed a crack in the water reservoir, ordered new one, put it in myself this past weekend. And now I sat there with the engine idling, heater on full, for ages, trying to get all the air out. Thought I'd done it 100%, but in following days, still same noise. So for the past few days, whenever I reach work/home, I pop bonnet and loosen cap ever so slightly to allow as much air as possible to leak out, my theory that eventually I have to succeed. Problem is that now on three occasions the water reservoir level had dipped way low beneath the half full mark, yet when I bled the air out, the levels came back up to correct level. Got home just now and the reservoir was almost empty! Did the bleeding thing again, yet this time it stayed about 3/4 empty.

Will check it in morning to see what the level is like, but I'm completely confused about these meandering levels. Could its almost empty status tonight mean that finally all the air is out and it now just needs to be filled to the correct level? The mechanic has done a pressure test, all okay, and there are no visible/obvious water leaks elsewhere in the system. What the heck?!

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