Weird PC issues - no sound / video thru hdmi


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AVForums Grandmaster
Aug 25, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all,
So finally, after all my hot air about never having any windooze issues I finally have one :p At least, I cant quite tell if it's hardware / software related yet.

So, media PC specs:
Core i3
Gigabyte socket 1155 board - has onboard audi, HDMI and audio thru HDMI
ATI Radeon HD 5670

So, I came back from a small trip, I was only away 2 days, but came back and all totally randomly I don't get sound of video over HDMI anymore. I have:
1. Removed and reseat the GFX card numerous times
2. Uninstalled / re-installed drivers countless times
3. Taken out the GFX card and tried via onboard video / audio

All lead to the same outcome, I get video via VGA, nothing from HDMI. I get no audio from HDMI at all, not from the GFX card or the onboard stuff. The GFX card also outputs VGA but not HDMI. Totally weird....

I have tested the HDMI cable and it works perfectly on other machines / components so its not that.

Any idea what the hell is going on? I think my only next step is a format / re-install.

I've tried googling like mad but cant find a dam thing and amm now running out of ideas. Does anyone have any ideas at all? And is it hardware or software related?
