AVForums Super Veteran
Got stuck on the highway this morning due to numerous accidents, drop my wife off at work and then I get pulled over on Sandton drive by Metro...
"Good day Sir, do you have any dagga in your car? No I reply, so they proceed to search my car. Opened a packet of speaker spikes and cups for Devon and they ask me "What the hell is this? So I had to explain to these numbnuts...
They proceed to open every packet and ask me questions. 15 minutes in they could see that I am really starting to get pissed off, so they let me go and asked me to practice a little patience in future. They didn't like that fact that I told them I have a real job unlike them
Metro also have no sense of humour either. When they asked me whether I have any drugs, firearms or contraband in my vehicle, I joked and said "Check the boot, I have got a drunk crack whore passed out in the foetal position...LOL
"Good day Sir, do you have any dagga in your car? No I reply, so they proceed to search my car. Opened a packet of speaker spikes and cups for Devon and they ask me "What the hell is this? So I had to explain to these numbnuts...
They proceed to open every packet and ask me questions. 15 minutes in they could see that I am really starting to get pissed off, so they let me go and asked me to practice a little patience in future. They didn't like that fact that I told them I have a real job unlike them
Metro also have no sense of humour either. When they asked me whether I have any drugs, firearms or contraband in my vehicle, I joked and said "Check the boot, I have got a drunk crack whore passed out in the foetal position...LOL